Thursday, February 26, 2009

Poetry: Polaris; Mother Nature; Dreams By Candlelight

So, more poetry of mine out and about in the “published” part of the Internet?

‘Polaris’ was another RKYV feature, although it has been edited since.
‘Mother Earth’ and ‘Dreams By Candlelight’ are on my high school literary magazine’s page.


I went out one night to empty my overworked mind.
I took the long forest trail home that night
and while erasing my list of misplaced thoughts
I was lured into taking the time to look up.

I don’t know why I looked, after ten ignorant years
of blissful walking with night’s hand in mine.
But that night, I tilted my head back and upwards
to see the celestial beings in existence above.

I tried to pick out my favorite characters –
Yelping Sirius and the cantering Monocerous
had long been driven out of their positions by
Draco’s flame, Leo’s roar, and Lupus’ windy howl.

Amidst their seasonal bickering for the skyward throne
my eyes found peaceful Polaris, and I hummed an old song,

a tune that had almost been long abandoned
to the pits of my skull: a childhood song, and
a historic memory to avoid being lost, “Left foot,
peg foot traveling on – Follow the drinking gourd.”

The gourd was up there, too; the supposed tour guide
who was rumored to have led the indentured
and enslaved to the lands of promise. Now merely

hovering, nothing more than the key witness
to the two chaotic worlds below and around him:
never standing still, but changing…debatably changing.

I angled my head away from my old friends then,
as the wind carried clouds thickening with jealously
over shining faces and echoing voices. I stood
under the shadows of branches, bathing in the silence.


Mother Nature

Lush and green grass waves in the wind
Alongside the aqua lake –
All of the life on her domain is her kin.

Time touches and shapes her homes
He is her master, but also a friend
Who will never leave her here alone.

Legs race with a rising heartbeat
As her children run along
For her to forever watch and keep.

And when the dead sink into the ground
It is Time and other children
Who makes it so nothing will be found.

The cycle can never end
As long as the Mother lives
But if her children bring the end,

It will be Time who comes for us.


Dreams By Candlelight

Through the splintered door, he walks.
He looks over the flickering kitchen,
breathes in the vanilla candle
and it’s familiar yearning and hunger.

He takes her hand and brushes their fingers
and wipes the melted wax to ease the throb –
As he always has, in their dreams,
in his letters, with his gliding touch.

He takes the candle from her folded hands
and lets her eyes grasp at his
as they find familiarity
in another world, inhabited by two.

They stand and stare together -
and silently speak of the year gone by
and see the wars within conquered
wishing them down the oily sink.

He dips down to blow out the candle –
She shakes her head, touches his nose.
They need its light
to illuminate their dreams tonight

And tomorrow they will need it still
to find the path they’ll follow.
and maybe this time
They will not need two candles

To light two roads
and maybe their fingers
will not let go, and will remain

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