Friday, April 3, 2009

Repo!: The Genetic Opera

Despite only being released in limited theaters, since late 2008 the murderous Repoman and his fellow singing cast has gained a good bit of support.

“Repo!: The Genetic Opera” is a horror sci-fi musical that includes directors from the “Saw” films. Personally, I despise and loathe these films, so I was surprised to find out that their graphic inclinations could be put to use with a decent Shakespearean tragedy storyline and a bit of science fiction. They visually combined their bloody talents with a lot of naked skin and even some comic book panels. (Trust me, it works. Don’t believe me? See the trailer below!)

Imagine: in the future, everyone has failing organs. The master company GeneCo is there to save those who would otherwise die. Thing is, if they miss a payment to the company, they lose their life anyway – because GeneCo has hired the Repoman to take back organs people cannot afford.

And by take back, I mean: people are still alive when they see their organs being repackaged by the Repoman.

Musically (because this film IS a musical), “Repo!” offers a decent bit of talent. By “decent”, I mean there’s a cameo by Joan Jett. Seriously! Most of the actors do a so-so job compared to other vocalists around the world. But seriously: Joan Jett!

Plus: Sarah Brightman is in this musical! It wouldn’t be an opera without ONE opera singer. (Yes, folks. Read on to see who she plays.)

Lined up in this bloody musical’s cast are Alex Vega, fully grown from her role in “Spy Kids” (and now playing the sickly, 17-year-old Shiloh), Anthony Stewart Head (Shiloh’s father, who harbors a dark secret – can you guess?), and Paul Sorvino (Rottissimo "Rotti" Largo, the owner of the corrupt GeneCo).

However, the most amazing star of all is by far Sarah Brightman, playing GeneGo’s hired (translated as “marked into slavery” hired) opera singer, Magdalene "Blind Mag" Defoe. Which body part/s were replaced? Hm. I’ll go with, check out her name. And every time Brightman is on screen it’s impossible to fight off being entranced by her goth-like beauty.

If this is looking too serious for viewers, no worries – Paris Hilton plays one of Rotti’s three children (Amber Sweet). Although I really don’t think she “acts”. She’s playing a character that is addicted to surgery, looking beautiful, and being in the limelight. And she acts like a sex toy. So if by “acting”, people mean, “She put on a black wig for part of the movie”, then sure: Paris Hilton was “acting” in this movie.

Excuse me while I laugh.

Anyway, the narrator of “Repo!” is named GraveRobber. It’s pretty obvious what he does – but what does he steal? (Not organs, believe it or not!) GraverRobber is the mysteriously dark yet charismatic character wearing make-up. Which means, we have found our fangirl source for “Repo!”

I mean, I doubt people were seeing this movie five times because of Paris Hilton.

(I promised myself I wouldn’t bash her too much because it’s too easy…but it really is too easy!)

(This comes from the middle of the film - so it won't reveal any major secrets, but it might not all be explained, either.)

Point is – this is a very oddball mish-mash film to support and actually pay for (the P-word!). Don’t just bootleg it or illegally download it. Buy it and the soundtrack. Or at least watch one your friend bought. Then you can pretend you did the right thing, right?

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