Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Column 11 - It’s Up To You

Column 11: It’s Up To You
Written for RKYV e-zine

She’s back! Although let’s be honest, probably only to disappear yet again. That bothersome illness [I was ill over the summer] may have finally disappeared into the abyss of the past, but college is back in full swing. I have a full course load on 18 credits, a part time job, an honor society to be involved in, and four total extracurricular activities. Did I mention I ran for floor rep in my dorm?

Why, why, why would I make things so busy I barely have time for myself, let alone a writing project?

The truth is, I’ve gotten pretty lax about my ‘writing’ ever since I got sick – at least, the casual short story and poetry part. I spent one day working on drafts for a fantasy novel idea, and I felt the writer’s equivalent of the Tin Man squealing, “Oil can!” between rusty lips. (What screams on or in a writer - fingers? Brain folds?)

But my priorities have shifted.

The truth is, with the occasional publishing in a magazine (I had yet another occur recently) and my writing for the Pitt News, I feel overall content. I very rarely, if ever, really work on my other ideas.

I suppose the question is, how does one know when they should be content and enjoy their successes, versus when they should enjoy the successes but still kick themselves into work?

Honestly, this is a question I simply cannot answer for you. No one knows you better than yourself. On the other hand, you probably love to make excuses (I do, too; don’t worry).

However, I can give you my secret to balancing time and picking the important things. This is a life saver in college; probably, it’s a life saver outside of college too. (Yay, good habits).

Maybe this is where you can put an old fashioned thing called a list to good use.

Also, it can be the really old fashioned pen and lined paper list, or the updated computer list. Take your pick. I don’t care which, because they serve the same function.

This is the point you just write down your life: your schedule, what you do in your free time, how much free time you have. Write down your hobbies, and any goals you have. Write down how much time you set aside to be with friends, who you spend the most time with – if it’s a part of your life, try to write it down. Get it out in the open.

Then look at it. Even share it with a friend, if you feel comfortable doing so.

If things are going good and you’re happy with them, OK. Congratulations. (Just be on the look out for the day you want to do something. Then it’s time to look over that list again.)

If you feel like you want to add something to the list (now or in the future), cut some things out or cut down how much time you spend on other things. It will not be easy, but you have to prioritize just like I did.

Just remember: be firm with yourself, but be flexible as well. Things happen, things get in the way. And as long as you work when you can, that’s OK.

In the end, it will be completely, totally up to you to decide if that project can be worked on now, or put off until later.

(Just don’t put it off until later next time. Unless you have a real crisis of an excuse.)

Best of luck,

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